Time is flying, and I have abandoned my weekly writing in favor of trying to stay on top of all this action. As of March 20th, my darling girl was 26.25 inches tall, but not yet 13 pounds. Despite my faithful responses to her feeding cues, she's still just a little thing. 14 to 17 lbs. is the average weight for a 6 month old girl, but I don't know how rigorous the average 6 month old's exercise regimen is. Noble is spotted for multiple reps of sit-ups, push ups, wheel barrows and bouldering daily, in addition to having unlimited access to her jumperoo. She must burn a lot of calories grinning as hard as she does, and blowing so much cool can't be effortless either.
No longer easily corralled on the couch, we spend our time romping, bouncing, strolling, rolling and pulling up. Every day is different of course, bringing a new and unexpected schedule of sweet and tender changes. Occasionally we'll put her down at 8pm and won't hear from her until the morning. Mostly, she still takes a midnight snack. A few days ago, she started blowing raspberries, oh, and bouncing. Any time, any place. Excellent rhythm. Sometime last week she started to truly grasp the mechanic of accepting and swallowing bites of food, alternating between gracefully taking spoonfuls and creating a dripping slurry. Friday she took 2, t-w-o, 3 hour naps while I tidied and straightened and laundered and deep cleaned. Saturday she sat in a high chair at a restaurant. Sunday she displayed a keen sense of the theatrical, pretending she was a wild animal catching its prey as she growled on her way to snaring a nipple. Shortly after pulling away from her meal she was visibly high on her conquest. Positively tripping on calories.
Enter solid food, the ultimate diversion and labor of love. A joyful gummer, she prefers sweet potato so far, and orange wedges sucked through a mesh food sock above all. We've offered her oatmeal, apple, peas, avocado, pears, bananas and nectarines; none are so confounding as plain water, the riddle of all riddles. We're using the BEABA Babycook, a marvel of steaming and blending in one handy and compact appliance gifted to us by one of our many fairy benefactresses, A.D.! While we wait for her limbs to chub out, her diapers provide instant feedback that she's adapted to the addition of solids. The proof is, indeed, in the pudding.
Til next time, remember to be kind to your reflection. A nap might be the only thing standing between you and a damn fine mood.
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