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Thanks to Judd for this hot snap |
A beloved personality across many realms, Magic: The Gathering splashed his name into prominence many years before you were born, and gave him the worldwide fan base he deserves. An unsung philosopher and poet, passionate about social change, conversation and justice, his inquisitive presence has the power to diffuse surges of violence, (though he has been politely asked not to return to the state of Missouri) and more than once I've seen him come through many a traumatic ordeal unscathed. His ideal schedule includes a 4 mile morning walk, where he organizes his thoughts, writes lyrics and sweats through his shirts while rapping and schlepping fruit home from the store. If you happen to be into hip hop even a pinch more than I am, he's going to be thrilled. He's building a collection of songs, (don't forget this one with Berm and Swale,) that will no doubt serve as a timeline for his journey through his 20's, 30's, fatherhood, and beyond. He's a rapper baby, he's going to spit at you. His voice is just a vessel, but the hot fire he's shaping is the key to his innermost feelings. Unlocking his heart shouldn't be a problem though, as he's more than happy to talk at length about anything you want. And more. (And more.)
Before you were born he played in a recreational basketball league, and we attended all of his games. I filmed them for you, so at the first sign of interest we'll put together a highlight reel. Man, if you're into basketball he's gonna be over the moon.
For your first 8 months he was at home with you, having been a casualty of a mass lay off just a little while before you arrived. This means you were together a lot more than you have been lately, making googly eyes, nuzzling and bonding over things that crinkled and buzzed. Nowadays he spends his working hours at home designing games and coming to investigate your laughter at every opportunity.

So there you have it. He's traveling a lot this month so I had to draw on memories to paint this picture, but I think it is a faithful portrait. You're 9 months old, and you have your own opinions about him, but if you think you love him now, well, just wait until you see him dance.